Week 20

Last week, we started a new unit: “How We Organise Ourselves.” In the coming weeks, we will explore how people in a community work together to meet the needs and wants of that community. We began with the question: “Who and what do we find in a...

Week 19

Dear Parents,   This week, we are excited to share some photos of our reading stations! Every morning, we start the day with reading. The students receive a new word list and work on their own goals related to the tricky words. In addition, they read books at...

Week 18

This week, the students wrote a story in their Journal, and the topic was their family. We learned new skills, namely the use of transition words in a story. These words help the students create a clear beginning, middle, and end in their story, improving the...

Week 17

Dear Parents,   Last Tuesday, we went to the beach with all the Grade 1 students. It was a great chance for the children to learn about how nature shapes our planet in a fun and hands-on way. The children saw things like how the waves change the coast, how tides...

Week 16

Dear Parents, The students had a wonderful time during the sports day last Tuesday. It was great to see their enthusiasm and teamwork in action! As we approach the holiday break, I would like to wish all our students and their families a joyful and relaxing vacation....