G6 Week 24 in Review 2022 2023

Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the end of week 24. It was a very happening week with the spectacular Musical presentation on Sunday & Monday and the fabulous Student Led Conference on Tuesday & Wednesday. Huge thanks to all parents who made your quality...

G6 Week 23 in Review

Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the end of week 23. It was a productive start and a good opportunity for students to enjoy the school campus before the weather gets too warm out. Week 23 photos Notices: Swimming for girls on Sunday & boys on Tuesday during...

2022-23: G6 Week 22 in Review

Dear Grade 6 Parents and Students, What an awesome ‘Spirit Week’ we have had! Welcome to our review of week 22. Please click this link for photos from this week in class as well as samples of our work. Notices: Swimming for girls on Sunday & boys on Tuesday during...

2022-23: G6 Week 21 in Review

Dear Grade 6 Parents and Students, Another busy week with lots going on.  Welcome to our review of week 21. This week we were part of a number of special educational events as part of our school Oman Week recognition. Students learnt about Oman’s rich maritime...

2022-23: G6 Week 20 in Review

Dear Grade 6 Parents and Students, Another busy week, welcome to our review of week 20. Notices: Swimming for girls on Sunday & boys on Tuesday: Please remember to bring the swimming kit.  Upcoming events: Next week – Oman week; special activities have been...