Week 6 in Grade 1A

We had some fun making letters with our bodies this week! We try to do many different and interesting activities to learn our sounds. It was quite difficult and we had to work with each other so we learnt to collaborate carefully. Some letters were harder than...

Cooperation and Action in G1A

This week, we revisit the Learner Profile of caring and students were encouraged to think about how we need to share when working in a group. One student said, “When everyone work together, we all are winners.” Groups who cooperated and did an activity...

Sounds and Shapes in G1A

Dear Parents and students We’ve had a busy four days, filled with learning! Sound work continues daily with students learning more sounds, saying words and forming letters in different ways. They are pleasantly surprising me at how quickly their writing is...

Week 3 in G1A

Students are settling into a routine and making new friends. We talked about what a friend is and how they treat us. We wondered if we were good friends- we TRY to be! Another focus this week was the Learner profile attribute: CARING. We discussed how we are caring...

Sounds and Swimming

Grade 1A have had another active week of learning and new experiences. This week we started learning sounds- recognising, saying, writing and finding words with these four sounds- s a t i. We learn an action with each sound and repeat this often also trying to sound...