Greetings By-and-By

Ahlan Wa Sahlan, Kia Ora, ようこそ, Welcome to G6!  We are Mr. Wetzel and Mr. Nicholson reaching out to you as co-teachers and partners in your child’s learning this school year. We hope this email finds you well and that you are ready and excited for your child(ren) to...


Dear G5AW, At long last, we’ve made it to the end of a completely “normal” school year! It’s been awhile since that’s happened and we should all feel a sense of accomplishment. Among our many accomplishments, we have learnt to become an intentional community, we have...

Summertime Learning

Year-to-Date: 881.8; May 2023: 72.0; Last Week: 43.3 Learning must continue over summer. We’ve encouraged students to continue learning using a combination of their devices and notebooks. Taking into account conferences with parents, students’...

Essay Writing

Year-to-Date: 852.9; May 2023: 43.2; Last Week: 40.4 This week students published and celebrated writing a research-based argument essay. Whilst drafting, students annotated an exemplar to raise the level of their writing. Whilst revising, students analyzed a...

Educational Philosophy

Year-to-Date: 809.7; May 2023: 160.7; Last Week: 43.3 When an educational organization—big or small—values creativity, everyone is given the space to dream big. When culturally, linguistically, and neurologically diverse students construct new knowledge together, most...