by AbduNabi Dakhili UTHMAN | Apr 20, 2015 | Grade 3, The Grades
For the next two weeks in maths we are learning to tell the time. Our pre test showed that telling the time is not something we do well in Grade 3. We began by making our own clocks. We used these to help answer questions about time. ...
by AbduNabi Dakhili UTHMAN | Apr 14, 2015 | ECC
This week we spent some time with our Buddy class. The hospital was very busy!!
by AbduNabi Dakhili UTHMAN | Apr 14, 2015 | Grade 3, The Grades
We began our new Unit of Inquiry this week, Inventions. The central idea is that Humans use ingenuity to meet needs and solve problems through invention and innovationWe started the unit by sorting inventions into three categories and then justifying why they were in...
by AbduNabi Dakhili UTHMAN | Apr 1, 2015 | Grade 3, The Grades
Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable holiday and I look forward to seeing you after the break.As many of you are aware we are running a “waste free snack and lunch competition.” Here is the winner for Grade 3. You can see an amazing array of healthy food...
by AbduNabi Dakhili UTHMAN | Mar 26, 2015 | Grade 3, The Grades
This week during our migration unit we have been learning about where we live and which countries we have migrated from. We had to find our homes on the map. We had some very heated discussion about what we would take with us if we had to leave...