by Ann Gaillard | Mar 29, 2018 | Front Page, Secondary Team Leader
Dear Secondary Parents, This is the time of the year that your child(ren) will be able to share with you their successes and challenges in this school year. You can book appointments using this link – Please note the...
by Ann Gaillard | Mar 22, 2018 | Primary Team Leader
Our young singers and musicians did us proud with their wonderful performances during last night’s Spring Arts Evening. I would like to extend my warm and heartfelt thanks to all of our staff who were involved in putting together this showcase of talents. A...
by Ann Gaillard | Mar 22, 2018 | Front Page, Secondary Team Leader
Our young singers and musicians did us proud with their wonderful performances during last night’s Spring Arts Evening. I would like to extend my warm and heartfelt thanks to all of our staff who were involved in putting together this showcase of talents. A...
by Ann Gaillard | Mar 8, 2018 | Front Page, The Head's Blog
It was a very busy week-end for ABIS teachers as we participated in an IB in-school workshop on Approaches to Learning skills. Led by Ms Amor Vieira, an IB teacher from Spain, the staff discussed the fuve categories of 21st century skills (communication, social,...
by Ann Gaillard | Mar 8, 2018 | Front Page, Secondary Team Leader
Last Sunday, the 4th of March, Gr 7 Hassan and Orjuwan, and Gr 8 Greta and Abdallah travelled to Muscat to participate in the Ministry of Education’s competition for private schools. It was the first time for our school to join such competition. They got the...