Grade 3 has recently begun their new Unit of Inquiry, The Human Body, and have been busy building their knowledge about the various systems, while developing their skills as independent researchers. Students are investigating their inquiry questions using the iPad as their primary research tool. Books, videos, pictures and experiments have also been, and will continue to be, utilized during the inquiry process. While the cycle of inquiry can and does take many forms, featured below is the cycle that Grade 3 follows to guide us through the phases of inquiry.

Cycle of Inquiry by Kath Murdoch

It has been amazing to see the students so quickly and effectively use the iPad within their inquiry. Throughout each phase it has been an invaluable tool that enhanced and furthered the learning and exploration that was taking place.


Prisha, Courtney and Alla are Finding and Sorting Out using the iPad

For Tuning In, video clips from Youtube sparked student interest and lead to discussion about what students already knew about the human body and what they wanted to know. For Finding Out, students explored which apps and websites could be used to obtain insight and understanding. The “Body Organs” app and were definitely the resources of choice and lead to Sorting Out of pertinent information using Notability. Students were Going Further when they inserted related photos, diagrams and drawings, as well as organized their notes pages by inquiry questions and information.


Spencer and Michael are Going Further with the iPad

I am eager to see how students will use the iPad for Making Conclusions and share their learning with others. Maybe Keynote, iMovie, Pages, Prezi, or Toontastic will offer a medium where students can creatively share their knowledge and understandings of the human body, while demonstrating their burgeoning tech skills. I’m optimistic we’ll also see students Taking Action in their lives as they begin to develop an understanding of the responsibilities we have to our bodies in order for the systems to function. Maybe Fitness Buddy or iMuscle will become part of their daily routines?

What a great start to such a fun inquiry!