We have worked, had fun, questioned, listened, shared and learnt all week!

We started with 100 Days of School on Sunday and there were 9 activities linked to 100 across the 3 classrooms and outside. Students did very well to move from place to place, worked cooperatively and had fun with making 100 in different ways- building blocks or cups, counting in 10s, walking 100 steps or doing movement and dancing and even making the number 100 with their bodies!

Then we have had more welcome visits from parents who generously gave their time to explain their work and contribution to the community to help our young learners understand more. We have had some very good questions from students too which shows the development of their inquiry skills.

I am so pleased to notice how the collaboration in the class is building and how many students are willing to help each other. They work together on many activities and in different lessons throughout the week. They offer help to friends without being asked by an adult and talk about how to take turns or try to organise themselves which is very positive.

Continuing with Unit work, we learnt to recognise different jobs, their title and description. We drew people to go in our class community which is taking shape as shops, services and homes are added to the 3D display we are building together.

Busy Week G1A