Week 8 of the PYP Exhibition has come and gone ridiculously quickly. It has been fun to have a few breaks from our big inquiry though to embrace Oman Week. Lots of fun was had on camels, creating henna, Omani cooking, listening to an Omani author and joining in (and in some case presenting) at the special assemblies
The PYP Exhibition is coming along very nicely. It is (for some) quite a high pressure point and stressful time of the process as the students start to realise the number of days are counting down very quickly… Please see last week’s post and please help by emphasizing that the process is far more valuable than the end product.
Please please please ensure that your family are all free to attend the PYP Exhibition finale on Wednesday 26th February freom 5 – 6.30pm at the Mazoon – please try to arrive a few minutes before so you don’t miss the opening. On this day students will stay in school and have a movie / Pizza before the exhibition Finale begins, this takes taway the stress of students being late or traffic issues etc and allows for the class to spend some fun time together.
Have a great weekend,