Weekly Photos Here

Unit 2, Where We Are in Place and Time has come to an end. We will continue recording presentations for the upcoming assembly on February 20th. I can’t wait for you all to see their beautiful houses and appreciate the students’ hard work.

Next week we are going to be very busy during Oman Week. We have three field trips planned. UNFORTUNATELY the Majan Museum is still under renovation as of this week and they have told us it will still not be ready by next week. Plans for Sangar Park are still in the works. We will leave the school around 10:00 AM and return to school at the same planned time. For parents who are volunteering on Tuesday please be at the school at 9:30 AM. If you are meeting us at the park, please be at the park at 10:00 AM. While we are at school we will be making bookmarks in the library, visiting some camels at school, creating Omani handicrafts, and so much more. I am just as excited as our students are.

Unit 3 will be introduced to the students next week. I will be attaching the Unit Focus at the bottom of this News Flash. The Transdisciplinary Theme, Sharing the Planet – An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution. Our Central Idea for Unit 3 is, habitats rely on certain factors to survive.

For English we will be focusing on non-fiction informative texts about habitats. We will research habitats, the animals in those habitats, and food chains. We will continue working on writing complete sentences using Colorful Semantics. We will read about habitats and the animals that live there. We will use the 6+1 Traits of Writing to help when we complete our research about an animal the students choose. Lots of interesting information will be learned by the second graders.

In Math we will continue measurement using standard units of length. I will introduce mass and how to measure weight. We will use balancing scales to compare and contrast objects. We will use vocabulary such as more than and less than. We will begin working with numbers larger than 100. The students will compare, order, and add numbers larger than 100. We will continue to review place value because it is very important that students understand 1s, 10s, and 100s. They should be able to tell you which number represents the ones, tens, and hundreds in the number 543. Ask your child if they can identify them.


February 9th – Sohar Fort and Old Souq Field Trip (packed snack and lunch, put sunscreen on before school, hat, and water bottle)

February 11th – Sangar Park Field Trip (packed snack and lunch, put sunscreen on before school, hat, and water bottle)

February 13th – Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Market Field Trip (snack, put sunscreen on before school, hat, and water bottle)

February 20th – Primary School Assembly

February 20th – ABIS International Food Evening 4:30 – 8:00 PM

February 24th – Teacher’s Day (no school)