This week students in Grade 2 showcased their research, group and presentation skills. They worked together to finish up building their model homes, completed their research paper which included the method of building their homes. They worked collaboratively to complete sentences stems or questions to aid their presentation and then presented their homes to all of Grade 2 this morning. It’s been a long, hard week for the students with lots of growth in their learning and they should be very proud of their achievements.
In maths, this week we have continued learning about numbers greater than 100, we have reviewed place value and made sure to know number bonds to 20.
In literacy, we have read independently, written in our UOI research packets and continued to add new words to our vocabulary.
Next week, we are so excited about Oman Week and all the activities we will be participating in throughout the week. Aside from our 3 field trips, we will explore Omani crafts such as palm leaf weaving, clay pots and geometric designs. We will see camels at our school, create Omani style bookmarks and cook some Omani food. The students will be documenting their activities in an Omani journal which will provide memories for them in years to come.
Unfortunately, we have had to cancel our field trip to the Majan Museum as it is under construction. We will still go to Sangar Park for a picnic. Remember on the days we have a field trip your child will need to bring a snack and a lunch, plus their water bottle. Please ensure your child has sunscreen on and bring a hat to keep safe from the sun.
When we are not participating in Omani activities or on field trips, we will continue with our reading and writing programme. We will be continuing to learn about numbers greater than 100.
If you would like to come to Grade 2 and share your experience and knowledge about Oman and its culture, please let me know. We’d love to have you visit us in class.
Please see photos here.