Another week has gone by very quickly and we have been immersed in our new Unit but also learning about place value in Maths.

Students have been working together to understand how numbers are formed and why we write them the way we do. They are helping each other and sharing their knowledge on this which is lovely to see.

The students have been using special Maths blocks that demonstrate the basic understanding of groups of ten and single numbers, ‘ones’ to make up different numbers. We also explored that we need to write the numbers in the correct order as 81 is very different to 18! They have been asking each other to make and write numbers and have also been peer- checking their work. They ask a teacher, if not sure and we all look together at the numbers we made, wrote and have also tried drawing the numbers. This is an important step towards working with bigger numbers so we take lots of time at this stage.

Happy weekend everyone!

Place Value in G1A