Weekly Photos Here
This week the students began the exciting task of building their custom homes. We have groups building Adobe Homes, Rondavels, Log Cabins, and Tree Houses. Today I watched them planning where the windows and doors would be. They made big decisions and how their roofs would look. Once the foundation of the home is complete they will begin planning how they will decorate them. Will they paint them? Will they use paper to create the look of logs? I don’t know, but I am excited to find out. Please talk about their progress and what they are. doing in their groups.
Ask the students if they need anything for their homes. Do they need more boxes? Do they want plastic clear tubs to make windows? Ask them if they need help to build furniture. They are so busy just making the house it would be fun for you to participate at home with them. Maybe you can create a mini painting they can hang in the inside of their home.
For English we have been focusing on writing sentences, reading, reviewing grammar, and phonics. We have begun using Colorful Semantics. Students are given examples of who, doing what, what, and where. The easy part is putting them in order. The difficult part is having the students fill in the articles, helping verbs and prepositional phrases. Think of it like they put the words dog, eating, dinner, kitchen, in order. They must then write the complete sentence. An example would be, ‘A dog is eating dinner in the kitchen.’ We created an anchor chart of articles (a, an, the), helping verbs, and prepositional phrases. This will help them fill in the blanks and write a complete sentence. Next week we will continue focusing on these skills.
Math has been a lot of fun using standard units of measurement and nonstandard units of measurement. We used rulers, meter sticks, and blocks. We are focusing on the vocabulary, longer and shorter. We will continue with measurement next week. We will also be reviewing addition and adding in the hundreds place value.
You will be receiving your child’s report card today. Please check your email. If you have not received the report card, please notify me on Sunday, so I can assist you as soon as possible.
Parent conferences are next week. The conference slots are fifteen minutes long. If more time is needed we will need to schedule an appointment at a later date to accommodate a longer time slot if needed. I have to abide by the fifteen minute rule to make sure all parents who have signed up have an equal amount of time to speak with me. This time is for questions you might have, but it is not a full run down on the student’s work and progress. If that is needed please send me a message to schedule a meeting.
January 30th, 2025 has been declared a holiday. Enjoy your three day weekend.
February 20th, 2025 is our first Assembly of the year for our second graders. The students really enjoy when their parents come. Please put it in your schedule if possible.