Dear Secondary Families

Today you will have received your child’s Semester 1 Report. Please take the time to look at this report together and celebrate the successes from the first half of this academic year. Also look at the recommendations from teachers and help your child to set realistic goals for Semester 2. Next week on Monday and Tuesday from 3.30 – 6.30 pm, there will be an opportunity to follow up more detailed conversations with teachers at our Parent/Teacher Conferences. If you have not already done so, please sign up on the appointment sheets sent out earlier this week.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish our Grade 12 students luck and success in their Mock Examinations next week. They are coming into the final stretch of their formal IB journey and we are very proud of what they have already achieved. They have a few more months of hard work before their final exams and then their Graduation to look forward to on May 29th at the Radisson Hotel, Sohar!

I am very pleased that we have been able to confirm our Grade 7 and Grade 8 Oman Week trips. Grade 7 will be heading to Sifah Beach for a 3 day water sports camp from Monday 17th – Wednesday 19th February. Grade 8 will be heading to Barcelo Mussanah Resort for a 3 day Sailing camp with Oman Sail. Unfortunately, we did not have enough interest to run our trip to India. For that reason, we are now planning a Grades 9-11 residential experience from Monday 7th to Thursday 10th April. Final details will be provided soon.

Yesterday, we had the privilege of hosting medical students from the National University in Sohar, who delivered a First Aid & Emergency Response Workshop for our Grades 9 to 12 students. From CPR to critical first aid techniques, our students learned hands-on skills that could one day save a life. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and we’re excited to announce plans for a tailored workshop for our younger students next! 

It was lovely to see some of our parents at the coffee morning on Tuesday. I hope to see everyone at the Parent/Teacher Conferences next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Andy Cooper