Dear KG2 Families,
It was a fantastic week meeting with you in person and discussing your child’s goals and achievements during our 3-Way Conference. It was truly heartwarming to witness our young learners using their own words to share what they’re proud of and starting to use PYP language to set and explain their goals.
Aligned with our *Who We Are* unit, the 3-Way Conference provided a wonderful opportunity for children to focus on the learner profile attributes of being *Balanced*, *Principled*, and *Communicators*. As they reflected on their strengths and areas for growth, they demonstrated an understanding of these attributes—building self-awareness and responsibility for their learning journey.
We’ve captured some wonderful moments from these meetings and look forward to continuing this journey together.
Feel free to click on the link to view a collection of photos from our 3-Way Conference Photo
Warm regards,
Ms.AlJabri & Ms.Maryam