Shoebox Autobiography

Weekly Pictures Here

Week four has been another successful adventure. The students are busy getting used to the routines and rules of the classroom. I am very happy to say that we are coming along great.

The Shoebox Autobiographies are due September 22, on Sunday. Just click on the Shoebox Autobiography for instructions if you have not done so yet. The students will be presenting their Shoebox to the classroom throughout the week.

Our Transdisciplinary Theme, Who We Are has been a great joy to work on in the classroom. The students have created Culture Collages that they have shared on a SeeSaw post. We are in the process of completing a compare and contrast of their home country and any other country represented in our classroom. We are learning that we might have cultural differences based on our location, but in the end we share more commonalities than differences. Next week the students will share a cultural dish they enjoy for the holidays. Talk to your children about the special food your culture celebrates.

In English we have been practicing our handwriting. I am looking at letter formation and size. We will soon move on to writing sentences. It is important their handwriting is legible. Have them practice at home if needed. Next week Thursday we will have the Blue Words Spelling Test. A picture of the words are included in the Weekly Pictures. I will also share them on SeeSaw just as the previous week on Sunday.

During our literacy block, the focus has been on characters, setting, problem, and solution. Please ask your children what these words mean. It would help reinforce their learning in the classroom as well as outside of the classroom.

For math we are looking at number order, odd and even numbers, and skip counting. Please review with the students the words before, after, between, odd, and even. This will help them with their math vocabulary.