Welcome Newsletter

Parent Night Slide Show

Shoebox Autobiography

Photos Here


I would like to happily announce that once again we have had a wonderful week here in the classroom. Almost all students have brought their headphones in and that is a win! If your child has not brought in their headphones, please make sure to do that this week. We have begun using the iPads for SeeSaw, Nessy, and Raz-Kids.

This week was definitely full of learning and activities. For our Unit of Inquiry the students created a Culture Anchor Chart where they shared what different cultures do and what they say. Examples of physical culture is where we live, what we eat, and how we dress. Examples of what we say in different cultures are languages, greetings, and songs. Self-Identity is important to celebrate and be proud of.

For our Literacy classes we have been working on speaking, listening, handwriting, and comprehension. We are currently reading the picture book Freefall. It is a beautiful book with only pictures. I ask the students what they see and ask what might happen next. It is important the students are expressing their thoughts in English while enjoying the process. Our handwriting is coming along nicely and I will continue to practice throughout the unit.

Math was a success as the students completed their first partner posters showing the audience how they can represent numbers in many different ways. Please ask them how they did this. We are practicing our math routines and rules. We will then move on to grouping objects. Making a connection between math and the real world is a focus in our classroom.

Shoebox Autobiography = Your children have been sent home with the Shoebox Autobiography instructions. I have also attached the directions to this post, just click on the link. This is a home learning project that is due on Sunday the 22nd of September. Students will present their project to their classroom. Please help your child be thoughtful about what he or she chooses to put in the box. IT CAN BE ANY KIND OF BOX. (tissue box, shoebox, cardboard box, ect…)

Weekly Home Learning = In Grade 2 we require students to read 20 minutes per day. They may use their Raz-Kids account, their library book, or their own books from home. I will be sending a Reading Record Book home today. I will check the students’ reading record books every Thursday. A picture of the book has been added to the weekly photos.

Reminder = Swimming is on Mondays. Please send the students to school prepared with a cap, goggles, towel, flip flops, and bag. Please remind them to bring their items home.

Have a wonderful weekend.