What a wonderful beginning of the year! I would like to thank the students, parents, and staff that made it possible.

Our Transdisciplinary theme is Who We Are and we have actively begun working in the class focusing on our theme. Please ask your child what they have been working on, so they may share all the exciting things we are doing.

This week I have shared the login information for both SeeSaw and Raz-Kids. Please contact me if you have any questions on how to complete the login process.

Today we used our iPads for the first time and the students logged on to the Nessy Program. Nessy focuses on reading and spelling. We will be using this program both at home and in the classroom. I will be providing you with the login information next week. 

We will be using our iPads quite often in 2nd grade. We do require students to bring in headphones. Please provide your child with headphones that use an audio cable. Wireless headphones can be difficult for students to connect to their iPad and we do not have enough plugs to charge the wireless headphones. 

Please send your child to school with a hat and water bottle. 

Click on the link to see pictures from our first week of school.

Pictures of the week here!