This week in maths we have begun a new unit on time which logically follows on from our learning and practise with fractions. We are learning the face of clocks, how to write time to the hour and half-hour and to identify time using both analog and digital clocks. You can support your child at home by continuing to practise fractions as they are related to daily activities and now time can be added to that mix as you go through your day.
In poetry writing this week, we have worked on and published (please see your child’s poem on Seesaw) a poem using our senses. We have referred to word mats and thesauruses to help us add more descriptive details to our poem. Some students have begun writing diamante poems (shaped like a diamond) which use a particular format and parts of speech to create a poem.
We have also continued reading poems and sharing them with each other.
For reading, we have worked with have continued practising some recent reading strategies: checking for understanding, asking questions and making predictions. These strategies all build our skills and comprehension in reading. In our smaller reading groups, we have focused on grammar, phonics and comprehension as connected to the book we are reading.
Please see photos here.