Dear Grade 6 Parents and Students,
A shorter but nonetheless very busy week. Welcome to our review of week 21.
School Events – Important Dates
This week we had our school photos. Students enjoyed this and came well prepared looking their best. We look forward to seeing the official school photo results. See our review of week 21 in pictures for some sneek peaks of these 🙂
Looking ahead we also look forward to Oman week next week. Some off timetable sessions as the whole school engages in various special personalised learning engagements such as field trips, camps and camel rides to learn about Omani culture and enjoy.
- G6 Field trip to Local Farm as part of Oman week. Sunday 11 February
- G6 Overnight camp in Mussanah as part of Oman week Wednesday 14 February
- PYP Exhibition February 20/ 21
- End of Term Break February 25 – 29
- Student Led Conferences (SLC) March 5; 3:30 – 7:00 PM, March 6; 1:00 – 5:00PM
Home Learning – aka Homework
This week, students (and their parents) could access Agency Centers in order to provide a chance for students to exercise their agency and to ensure that all students would not miss out on any learning due to a meeting with a mentor. As one important way to better connect school with home, please talk with your child(ren) about their project, their meeting with a mentor, the inquiry process and so on.
Transdisciplinary Learning
Language/ Reading/ Writing/ UOI – Exhibition Summary
This week, students were working hard to complete their inquiry work on their exhibition projects. This included working to complete all of their research, collecting evidence of their learning, completing their essays and putting their Exhibition journals in order. Next week, though another short week with field trips and overnight camp, students will work on collating their information and designing their information display as well as practising their presentation for the week after when they host their public display of knowledge, their exhibition. We look forward to this on the 20th and 21st of February. For this you are all warmly invited to attend the afternoon session of the grade 6 Exhibition in the Mazoon from 5:00 – 6:30 PM on the evening of the 20th of February. We look forward to seeing you all there. Please see a copy of our schedule here for your information.
Numeracy Summary
This week, students worked on developing their understanding of the Lowest common multiples and greatest common factors as well as working on practising their basic facts to consolidate this information.
Link to the photos this week: 2023 2024 Week 21 photos
Worth Repeating:
Please remember…
We wish you well as you enjoy a special three day weekend and as always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sincere regards,
Your partners in learning.
The Grade 6 Teaching team
Glen Nicholson and Andrew Wetzel