We looked at how to be a good friend. We learned that we all have different boundaries and must respect each other’s boundaries. Here is the link to the song. https://youtu.be/aSFvJbSQdA4?feature=shared
We continued to learn about our different senses. The students know they can listen to and interpret music through dance and movement. They discovered that we can also listen to music and draw its tempo, beat, and how it makes us feel. We also looked at objects on our sensory table and how many senses we can use to explore these objects.
We have been learning some sight words and coding some short words from the sounds we have learned this week. We put them together to write a short sentence with them.
We will have our Learning Celebration on Tuesday, December 12, from 8:10 AM – 9:30 AM. We look forward to seeing you then.