It’s been a big week of learning in Grade 2SB. We have two new members of staff and two new students who have join our community of learners. We have begun sharing who we are through ourselves cubes which the students created by adding a picture of themselves, their families and the things which are most important to them.

The students worked together to generate a list of jobs for our learning space and beginning to own the areas they will be working in over the coming year. They also developed Essential Agreements for playtime and are beginning to think about the ones for our learning space

This week we have begun looking at fables and how they teach us lessons about life and who we are as people in the world. This will connect to our new Unit of Inquiry: Who we are, which will be an inquiry to the different cultures around us.

Grade 2 teachers have really enjoyed getting to know the students and observing how they work in collaboration in a variety of situations and look forward to gaining a deeper understanding of each individual child as we move through this academic year.

It’s been a great start to Grade 2 and we are so happy your child is working with us this year!

We look forward to your visit to our classroom during the Parent Information Evening on Wednesday 30th August (next week) and getting to know you better.

Grade 2 Team: Ms Stephanie and Ms Nahla