Dear Secondary Families,
The Secondary Team is very much looking forward to welcoming students back to school on Sunday. It is always a wonderful time to hear about summer adventures. I would like to welcome two new teachers to the team this year; Mr Duncan Makori who will be teaching Science and Mr Ferdi Atesin who will be teaching Maths. I am also pleased to announce that Mr Ferdi Kaya will be our MYP Coordinator this year.
There has been a very positive atmosphere at school this week as new and returning teachers have worked together preparing learning spaces for the year to come. Staff workshops have covered a number of topics, including our school Mission and Vision and we have spent time focusing on our goals for the year. Everyone is very excited to begin with the students next week.
We would like Secondary Students to start the day in the Mazoon at 8.00am, where we will have a brief welcome back assembly. We will then spend the morning in our advisory classes where students will receive their timetables and all other information. Students will start timetabled lessons after lunchtime.
Thank you to new families who attended our open morning earlier today. It was a great opportunity for new students to meet their teachers and see their learning spaces before everyone arrives on Sunday morning.
Have a great weekend!
Andy Cooper