Dear Parents and Students,
First of all, loud applause to all the G6 students who rocked the PYP Exhibition presentation this week. Hearty Thanks to all parents who attended the grand evening show yesterday and spent their valuable time engaging with the students and listening to their presentations.
For photos of students hard at work learning, taking action, preparing for, presenting their exhibition and having fun this week, please see our collage and grade 6 picture folder linked below.
Upcoming events/notices:
- Week 33 Basic facts assessment
- Week 34 / 35 WIDA general language and literacy assessment
- Wednesday May 17th – Grade 6 to 7 Transition meeting 5:30 – 6:30 at school
- Final Year Exams (Ministry of Education, Oman):
-28th May Social Studies
-30th May Arabic
-1st June Islamic
Google Classroom:
As you will be aware, our current grade 6 students are only 6 weeks away from being the new grade 7. Because grade 7 uses google classroom as a student management system to share tasks, projects, work samples and gradings, as part of transition processes, this week we will be sending home invitations for you as parents to join our online google classrooms. From next week, students will be selecting work samples, reflecting on these and placing these in their google classroom folders at the end of each week. This will provide you with direct access to see what your child has done that week in school. Please do look at your children’s work samples and have conversations with them about these. We have yesterday sent to your school registered email address, an electronic invitation to join your childs google classroom so you are able to access their folders. Please work with your child to ensure you have access to their google classroom. If you do not have access, please contact us via email so that we can work to resolve this issue for you.
Students worked hard on their transdisciplinary unit of inquiry for Exhibition this week; finalising their displays, putting together and then presenting their exhibitions. It was great to see so many people coming through their galleries on Wednesday and Thursday. Students and audiences have both enjoyed sharing in the learning.
This week, students were sharing their surveys, graphs, charts and analysis of results as part of their exhibition project. Students being able to explain their mathematical thinking is very important at this stage so well done to all for this.
How you can help at home:
Please also help your children use their Nessy, RAZ kids, Epic and Prodigy accounts for numeracy and literacy practice as part of their homework.
- Teacher’s name: ABIS6SG
- Remember your own password icons
- Ms Sri’s class code – 555CE48
- Mr Nicholson’s class code – F72F169
Secret word – CANDYSNACK (remember your login details)
This week for homework, students have continued their daily reading, Math basic facts practice, Nessy/ RAZ/ Epic and weekly spelling words. Students have also been asked to continue with preparation for their exhibition project.
As always, spending time with your children at home reading, writing and playing maths games is a very valuable shared learning time.
Worth repeating:
Thank you.
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us
Sincere regards,
Your partners in learning.
The Grade 6 Teaching team
Glen Nicholson, Srikala Raghuraman, Maryam Al Muqbal