Dear Parents and Students,
First of all, wish you all Eid Mubarak and may this holy season be filled with love, joy, prosperity, peace and good health. عيد فطر سعيد تمنياتي ان ينعاد عليكم اوقات كثيره بصحه وسعادة.
Special congratulations to all students who were fasting this season for showing tremendous stamina in getting through the school day everyday. This is a huge sign of courage and steadfastness. Well-done, rockstars!
For photos of students hard at work learning and having fun this week, please see the collage and Grade 6 Picture folder 2021 2022 Week 29 photos
Notices & upcoming events:
- Apr 30 – School resumes after Eid Break, Regular timetable
- 2 April – 20 April (3 wks ) – Exhibition unit
- 30 Apr – 18 May (2 wks) – Exhibition unit
- 10 and 11 of May – Exhibition Presentation
- Final Year Exams (Ministry of Education, Oman) :
- 28th May Social Studies
- 30th May Arabic
- 1st June Islamic
Inquiry & Language: At the start of the week, students watched videos on presenting an exhibition and reflected on what a good exhibition should look like. In line with this students reflected about what their goals should be. This week students have gradually moved into the next phase ‘Going Further’/‘Taking action’ with their exhibition. They worked in groups to plan ways to present their research findings and began making posters, models, demos, quiz cards and more. Alongside this, students are also writing their journals, about their work in progress so far. It has been interesting to watch students develop their social skills, communication skills and problem solving skills as they work together in groups, beginning to resolve minor conflicts without teacher intervention and taking up challenges associated with balancing between team spirit and individual interests. Just a few more days to go for the exhibition… Please see the invitation featured here. More details will follow soon.
How you can help at home: Please have a conversation with your child about what they did this week. Some groups have planned to explore the possibility of contacting some experts in the field and visit some places. So your child may talk to you about this; it will be awesome if you can arrange this for your child. We now only have 8 school days left before the Exhibition. For Eid break students will have 10 days off school which is a significant time, we encourage students to keep up with their exhibition as much as reasonably possible during this break.
Maths: This week, students revisited their knowledge of data handling by looking at responses to the surveys they had sent earlier and started analysing their related concepts from different perspectives. They are getting more familiar with the use of pie/circle graphs in polls. They are also figuring out ways to put together varied responses to their open-ended questions.
How you can help at home: Please also help your children use their Nessy, RAZ kids, Epic and Prodigy accounts for numeracy and literacy practice as part of their homework.
- Teacher’s name: ABIS6SG
- Remember your own password icons
- Ms Sri’s class code – 555CE48
- Mr Nicholson’s class code – F72F169
Nessy: Secret word – CANDYSNACK (remember your login details)
Homework: This week for homework, students have continued their daily reading, Math basic facts practice, Nessy/ RAZ/ Epic and weekly spelling words. Students have also been asked to continue their research and document their learning in relation to their exhibition topics.
As always, spending time with your children at home reading, writing and playing maths games is a very valuable shared learning time.
Worth repeating:
Thank you.
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us
Sincere regards,
Your partners in learning.
The Grade 6 Teaching team
Glen Nicholson, Srikala Raghuraman, Maryam Al Muqbali