Dear KG2 Families,
This week we continued to unpack the concept of conflict. We read books and watched stories related to this concept and tried to summarize the messages in these stories. Children were asked to identify conflict in various situations and stories. They were also asked to suggest some solutions to these situations.
In order to get a better understanding of our learner’s understanding of this concept we asked children to draw their understanding of this concept (conflict). We are now in the process of going through the conflict situations they illustrated. The children are also trying to find peaceful solutions to them. Please click here to see photos of our illustrations.
In Literacy, during our writing workshops, we began to learn about how to find the right topic for our opinion pieces. The children put their ideas on paper using drawings, they then sounded out the words in order to identify the sounds they know in these words.
This week was packed with various learning engagements. It was great to see that children were engaged and attempted to share their ideas with confidence.
Well done to our little learners!!!
Last but not least please click here to see our weekly photos…
Have a lovely and restful weekend.
Warm regards,
Mrs Nicholson and Ms Haifa