Dear Parents and Guardians of KG1,

This week has been one that has been focused on getting to know and learn more about your child through observing how they explore, inquire and interact with the world around them.

This week, in Mathematics, a lot of learning opportunities lead to learning about: one-to-one counting, being able to recognising numbers 1-5, understanding the value of numbers 1-5 as well as grouping and classifying different objects.

In Literacy, we revised recognising and identifying the beginning letter and first sound of our names. We started learning about our Unit Of Inquiry (UOI) Communication by concentrating on improving our self-regulation and using our words instead of physical ways (grabbing, snatching, pushing, pulling) to express how we feel when we communicate with our friends. Being able to express these feelings appropriately.  It is important that we express ourselves properly so that our friends understand what we are trying to communicate with them.

We enjoyed our swimming lesson and also had a lot of fun being able to play outside in the cooler weather where our gross motor skills, midline crossing, dexterity, balance, social intelligence and cognitive growth were all stimulated.

Please click here to see some photos of our week.

Wishing you a good and restful weekend.

Warm regards,

Miss Erasmus, Ms Buthaina, Ms Kamla and Ms Asila