Secondary students have been participating in monthly House Sports Competitions this year during their advisory programme. We are also now busy planning our school Sports Day in December where they will be participating in their house teams. After the October break, we now plan to introduce our primary students to their houses. On Wednesday, November 9, the first week back after October break, students from primary and secondary will gather for the first time in their house teams and enjoy eating their lunches picnic style together on the field.  All students can wear a T-shirt, hat, scarf, trousers, or any other representation of their house colours that day.  ABIS is working with a company that may be able to produce affordable ABIS house colour T-shirts and we hope to share that information with you soon.

Keep your eyes open next week for a Newsflash with the After School Activities sign up information.  Our last day of ASAs round one is Wednesday, Oct. 26.  The first day for ASAs round two is Sunday, Nov. 6.  You will receive the Newsflash on Sunday evening at 5pm.

Next Thursday, Oct. 27, you will receive the Term One Progress Report for your child. This is a summary of learning for the first quarter of the school year and will include comments from Advisors and engagement ratings in subjects.  These reports will be followed up with 3 Way Conferences in mid-November, which will include students, parents and teachers.

We are so pleased that with the cooler weather, students are able to move outside during lunch recess now. Students can still eat indoors or outdoors for the first 20 minutes, but are then encouraged to move outside.  Students who wish to play on the school field must wear a hat, and everyone is reminded to drink water often.

Don’t forget that our Autumn Break will be from Oct. 28 – Nov. 5.  We will welcome everyone back to school on Sunday, Nov. 6.