The Grade 12 Theory of Knowledge class continues to be an engaging space for students to explore a variety of concepts and viewpoints.  We are currently examining the five Areas of Knowledge identified by the IB which include History, the Human Sciences, the Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and the Arts.  Most recently, TOK students have inquired into the nature and scope of artistic knowledge and are creating a detailed essay frame in which they will compare knowledge in the Arts with that of other Areas of Knowledge.  Additionally, students have now been introduced to the prescribed titles for the TOK Essay which will contribute to two-thirds of the overall grade in this class.  The final third will be determined by their handling of the TOK Exhibition which was submitted at the end of last school year.  With that in mind, we would like to invite the families of Grade 12 students to attend the showing of the TOK Exhibition final drafts on Thursday, October 20th from 8:00 to 8:40 AM.  During that time, TOK students will be available in the upstairs area of LC3 to lead a “gallery walk” and to discuss their exhibition objects.  Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this event.