This week we have been working hard on our literacy pre reading skills using our big book collection and exploring sounds. In maths we have been sorting by colour and ordering numbers. We had a wonderful story in Arabic this week and the children practiced counting. They then played a game together which they very much enjoyed. We completed our unit of inquiry by making some spiders and adding them to our bug habitat. We started our new unit by exploring different materials, are they hard or soft and what things are made from them. Swimming is always a great success and all the children are becoming much more confident in the water.

Making our spiders
Our bug habitat
Exploring materials. How is dry sand different to wet sand?
Building with hard materials
Making houses
Matching sounds
Reading together
Sorting and ordering numbers
Math language and ordering numbers biggest to smallest
Getting creative
Playing a game in Arabic
Exploring soft materials
Playing mermaids and crocodiles in the small pool
Gaining confidence in the middle pool