Dear KG2 Families,
When I was going through the photos we took throughout the week, I noticed we had a very busy week. I couldn’t believe that we had done all this in a week. Our week was full of fun learning engagements and very deep conversations about our choices and how our choices affect other living things.
Throughout our current unit, our focus for ATL (Approaches to Learning) is Self Management Skills. The children will learn about how to propose a solution and other possible answers to a problem by making suggestions. This week we had class discussions about single use plastic bottles and single use plastic bags and what kind of an effect they have on the environment.
In order to support children’s understanding of reusing and recycling concepts, we are now promoting the usage of recycled materials in our classroom at our MakerSpace table. We introduced our first cardboard technique: flange. (Please see below for some of the techniques we will learn this year.) Throughout the week, the children enjoyed exploring this technique.
In Numeracy, we are learning about establishing images of all numbers 10 or less. The children are creating dot patterns on ten frames and linking the dot patterns on ten frames to finger patterns.
Choice Time was full of learning engagements: We made playdough together, the boys continued to design and build different structures using giant blocks and our light cube was also popular this week. The children were eager to see how our light cube worked.
Last but not least, the highlight of our week was our swimming lesson. Everyone was very excited about getting into the pool. Everyone had lots of fun.
What a week we had!
I am sure next week will be as exciting as this week has been.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Warm regards,
Mrs Nicholson and Ms Khadija