This week in the Primary Dance classes we have had the Dance Assembly! The students from K3 to Grade 6 have been preparing for their dance numbers, celebrating folk dance from around the world. A big thank you to the parents who worked hard to provide their children with the required clothing. As I type we are less than an hour from the beginning of the assembly – and everyone is extremely excited!
Coming up, look for our primary students from K3 to Grade 5 performing their Omani numbers. This will be separated across assemblies, with myself sweet talking the teachers to borrow a part of their assembly time. The students have chosen the music already and Miss Khadija and I have worked on floor patterns and movement ideas. The dances are from the Al Batinah region, although some of the tunes reach across the country on a national level and can be used everywhere.
Our secondary students have not rested on their laurels since the International Evening. This week they worked on different ways to lift and support each other. It involved a great deal of trust, a lot of hilarity and, in the end, some rather decent looking lifts. I have included pictures in this post – check them out! The Grade six students also had a go at the safer lifts. Lifts are carefully taught to fit the growth and strength of children according to their body development. Students are also taught the best way to hold and support each other so that they NEVER carry the full weight of another. It’s physics!
This evening, the IGCSE dancers and Ms Marchmont and myself are heading to Muscat to watch the British School of Muscat showcase their GCSE and A Level dance compositions. The students are keen to see what other students can do – and it will be a great way to check on what they could do if they have the time.