Dear Parents and Students,

This week has been another busy week. 

Please see below for notices and notes on our week 15 in review.


Because of the short week, current homework will go over both this and next week and will be marked on Thursday the 9th of December. Please remember that there is homework every day except over the weekend. It is important that students are reading, writing and doing Maths practice on a daily  basis. Thank you for supporting this and for sighting and signing this every week.

Reading, Writing and Inquiry

For our writing showcase this week please see below for a link to one of our students personal narratives from a recent holiday.

Watch this space for more to come.

My October Break By Cristina

This week students have continued to work on developing their spelling, grammar and punctuation skills as well as their reading and writing skills. As part of writing our focus has been on adding more descriptive detail to their writing. 

This week we began our unit of inquiry on where we are in place and time based around the concept of Migration. For this we began with an old fashioned game of tug of war to show push and pull factors( as well as have a little fun).

Please see pictures of this by following the link below.

G6 Migration WK15 Push and Pull for Broadcaster

Students have also begun looking at key words and phrases associated with migration. Some of these are very tricky for example emigrate, immigrant, migrant and so on,  so if you are able to talk with them about this at home that would be great.   


This week students continued to work on developing their skills with number and multiplication facts and completed their first of a series of quick fire times tables activities developed for speed and accuracy. Students have also learnt a quick hands on method of checking their 9 times table.

Please see the video linked below for how you can do this too. Learning is fun right 🙂

9x table with hands

Visual Art

As part of leadership and confidence building as well as developing artistic skills, this week, a group of students has continued to focus on developing their skills with a pencil. This will be our expert group that will then teach these skills to the rest of the class. For this they have worked on how to use different shading techniques to make objects seem three dimensional. Please see a sample of this work below. 

Visual Art Pencil shading technique student examples

Notices/ Worth Repeating

Please remember your…

  • Hat, Water bottle, Ipad charged, PE Kit and Spare Mask…

Thank you.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincere regards,

Your partners in learning.

The Grade 6 Teaching team

Glen Nicholson, Maryam Al Muqbali