Dear Parents and Students,
Happy 51st National day of Oman and Welcome to our week in review for week 13.
This week has been another busy week. Please see below for an overview of what we have been up to in Grade 6 🙂
It was great to see so many of our students in Omani National Dress or in Omani colours today on the occasion of the 51st Oman National Day.
Please enjoy this picture of our G6 class in Omani National Dress and one below that of the G6 boys doing a traditional Omani dance in class. This has been great for promoting international mindedness, cross cultural understanding and recognizing our wonderful host country nation of Oman.
This week we have continued with our homework programme which comes home on Sunday to be completed every night before marking on Thursdays. It is important that students are reading, writing and doing Maths practice on a daily basis. Thank you for supporting this and for sighting and signing this every week.
Reading, Writing and Inquiry
This week students have worked on reviewing, editing and proofreading their personal narrative writing ready for publishing next week. Students have also been working on their scientific reports around innovation of their O wing plane and their PET bottle rocket. Please see the link below for a website related to this and please do talk to your children about this because they are becoming experts 🙂
How to make a PET bottle rocket
Students have also begun to look into how humans have copied nature to innovate and improve on scientific design.
For this as a provocation we have watched a series of short videos that you may also be interested in.
Please see below for a link to one of these;
Biomimicry 101 – Examples Of How We Copied Nature
This week students have also continued to work on developing their spelling skills, grammar and punctuation skills as well as their reading and writing skills. As part of writing and our focus on writing dialogue, students today have enjoyed a dramatic read of a summarized version of the Disney movie ‘Cars’ as well as a performance by a group of students who have written and enacted their own drama for our pop up theater.Â
Please see below some pictures of our pop up theatre and our students hard at work learning.
This week students continued to work on developing their skills with number and multiplication basics facts as well as problem solving with long and short division strategies.Â
Please see here an example of how one way we are learning to do long division.
Worth Repeating
Please remember your…
- Hat, Water bottle, Ipad charged, PE Kit and Spare Mask…
Thank you.
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincere regards,
Your partners in learning.
The Grade 6 Teaching team
         Glen Nicholson, Maryam Al Muqbali