It has been great to see everyone and get the school year started. Schools without children are very empty places!

I came across an article that I found very useful as a Dad and thought I would share it with you. The title is pretty self explanatory; “25 Ways to Ask Your Kids ‘So How Was School Today?’ Without Asking Them ‘So How Was School Today?’” it’s a really important question to ask!

We have grown in numbers over the summer which is great news for the school but does, of course, present some practical challenges. The most important one is space. As some of you know we had planned to enlarge the SLS over the summer but, as so often, this was delayed. We continue, however, to pursue this option and I will let you know as soon as I can about further developments.

On a really positive note, I am happy to say that the playground area is starting to look like a playground at last. It has been a very long journey but hopefully a worthwhile one. The concrete and grass still needs time to settle and once this is done we will have a wonderful place for our children to play.

Please take time to welcome the new faces around the school. There are plenty of new mums looking for friends, new children looking for playmates and new teachers looking for a smile!

With the additional staff that we have been able to employ, I have been able to clarify the role that the Team Leaders play in the school and you will notice that Carole and Leo are taking a far more prominent role in organising the schools activities this year. Indeed, if you are in search of an answer and have not been able to receive it from your teacher, please contact them as they will be the best people to help.

With the first week gone we have just 36 school weeks left in our year. Let’s work together to make sure that they are successful and happy ones for our children.

Enough from me for today Have a great weekend and see you all on Sunday.