All children have a special connection to their names which gave us a perfect starting place for teaching about letter-sound connection. Each day for two weeks, we chose a star child for the day and studied each child’s name. At the end of each session, we made a special book for the star child. As we accumulated more “Star Names”, the children made more complex observations about their and others’ names. Please click here to watch a video about this two week long study.

This week the K2’s came together to share their thinking and learning. We read the inspiring story “The Most Magnificent Thing” by Ashley Spires. It tells a story about a little girl’s frustration to create something that she likes. It teaches about creating amazing things and understanding that mistakes will be made along the way. It also shows how to regulate emotions to keep persevering through challenging situations. We used the Y- chart (graphic organiser) to discuss and share ideas about THINKING! What does it “Feel like? Sound like?” and “Look like?”

It was a little challenging and very interesting to try to “tease out” this concept. Here are some of the ideas:

Feels like: “kind, caring, fun, surprised”

Feels like: “kind, caring, fun, surprised”

Sounds like: “ideas, plans to do, saying sorry”

Looks like: “creating,making something, card, house for a dog, cookies, glitter and rainbow, create a card”

And a little more about what we did this week…

Our Display Board
Inquiring into our interests
Getting creative with chalk and adding details to our story.

Have a lovely weekend.

Warm regards,

Ms Nicholson and Ms Khadija