Ahlan Wa Sahlan and Ki Ora. Welcome to G6 for the new year.
My name is Mr Nicholson, I am pleased and excited to be a new member of the ABIS team this year.
I come to you with my wife Pinar and two children. James who will be in G2 and Isabella who will be in G5. I am originally from New Zealand and have been working internationally for many years, most recently in an international school in Kyiv, Ukraine where in winter it can get colder than minus twenty degrees. I do love the snow but I am also looking forward to some warmer weather in Sohar. Prior to Kyiv, I have worked in New Zealand, Vietnam, Turkey and Africa and travelled extensively.
As part of ‘house keeping’ and for your information, this post is where weekly learning updates from G6 will be shared with our school learning community.
Home learning: As you will be aware, we look forward to a time when we can welcome students back on campus in person however we will begin the school year online. For this, we will use Google meets to host online learning meetings. For this please use the meeting link as below.
Learning tools: For our home learning, please ensure your child has a notebook or paper (preferably A4 size), a pencil/ eraser, pen, straight edge (ruler), glue or tape and a pair of scissors.
Please also help your child find a comfortable, quiet learning space with no distractions (their classroom at home) so that they maximise their learning opportunities while learning online.
We will also be using Seesaw to share learning engagements and document our learning journey this year. Your child has already been enrolled in our Grade 6 Seesaw class, which we will begin working with in the coming week. I believe the students are familiar with the use of Seesaw however if you have any questions about this or anything else school related please do not hesitate to contact me via email at g.nicholson@abisoman.com
I very much look forward to meeting you all and learning with you all this year as the G6 teacher.
Your partner in learning