As many of you know, we have been working hard over the last few months to try to get as many people as possible involved in what is going on at the school. To this end we have been working on a communication strategy which has the goal of trying to communicate effectively with as many different people in our community as possible.

We happy to be able to launch our new SMS service which we hope will provide us with a direct and effective method of communicating with you. The service will be used to remind you of upcoming events, to inform you of important information that has been added on the website and will form part of our emergency response strategy should the school need to be closed for any reason.

Currently, we have only added one phone number from each family to the database but if you would like others to be included in the system please contact Assila and we will ensure that the additional numbers get added.

We will try to keep the number of SMSs to a minimum with one or two a week being the norm.

If you would like to let us know what you think about the service, please add a comment below.