Point of Inquiry! Point of Personal Privilege! So yielded. That is not in order. The delegate yields her time to the delegate from Panama. Honorable chair. House, come to order.
The committee rooms at the Model United Nations conference ring with the words of the parliamentary procedure–Rules of Order–ensuring that the committee’s work is as efficient and fair as possible. It’s very impressive to watch these hundreds of teenagers deftly handle the rules and carry out the procedures of formal debate. Today I saw David, Felicity, and Andee take the floor either through resolution support or point of inquiry.
Today was our final day and I was so grateful to watch our Grade 10 students take on the challenge with no let down. Many stayed up late last night polishing speeches and were back at it again early this morning. They have really embraced the professional, rigorous atmosphere of MUN.
We finished the conference with a closing ceremony and then, later in the evening, the annual Cultural Night hosted by Qatar Academy. It was, according to the head of the conference, ‘the coldest night in Doha all year’. We had no trouble believing that! Still, it was a fine night of good food and traditional Qatari dance.
We fly back to Oman early Saturday morning. Mrs. Marchmont and I are so proud of Grade 10–they really showed us something these past four days and they did ABIS proud.
The photo album of our trip with all the action.