I hope you had a restful and family fun-filled holiday and are anticipating a happy and healthy 2025!

We started our first week back in the new semester a bit busy and a bit slow. Mondays are the days where we have lots of different specialist subjects and spend less time in the homeroom. After welcoming everyone back and having a little chat, we were able to work on some writing. The students were given a sheet of paper in which they drew and wrote about: something fun they did during the holiday, a favourite activity they did, some family stuff and something they ate. It was a fun way to begin our entry back into school.

This past week, in maths, we have worked with a partner to problem solve using 24 postcards with 3 postcards on a page, how many pages would we need? Students used a variety of strategies to solve this problem which was very interesting to observe. We have begun our measurement unit with length and also observing the temperature. So far, we have begun estimating the lengths of objects in the classroom, then measuring these to see how close our estimates were. Today, we will work on comparing our heights, first by estimating, then using metre sticks and rulers to find the actual heights. Estimating amounts, measurements is an important foundation for any maths activities we do; please see the letter below to find out more about our length unit.

Length maths letter

For literacy this week, as stated above we began slowly with a reflection of our holiday. We have worked on finding the correct words so sentences make sense, we have worked with our guided reading groups and then worked very hard researching answers to questions about the homes we will be building in UOI.

Next week:

  • Maths: continue measuring with length measurements, comparing lengths or heights, work on understanding that the metric system is a base 10 system; therefore, centimetres, metres and kilometres are all built upon and grow using tens. We will also use our thinking skills to solve problems.
  • Literacy: making words using phonics, completing sentences to make sense, begin Rocket Writing (write for 2 minutes on a given topic and share) and guided reading. Please ensure that your child is reading at least 20 minutes in English everyday. This is vital for their growth in Grade 2 and their understanding of new vocabulary and in building their comprehension.
  • UOI: work with their teams on completing the research packet, designing their home for a particular place and then begin building their model home. It will be an exciting week for the students!

Please see photos here.