What a week its been for Grade 2! We’ve had our Primary Sports Day, attended the final bit of Secondary Sports Day and attended a full assembly. Along with all these special events, we’ve continued with our learning.
In literacy, we continue focusing on checking for understanding by identifying the characters, setting, problem and solution and looking for the main idea and details in non-fiction texts. We are beginning to build our research skills by looking at features of biomes and of the houses which would be built there. This budding research will feed into a longer, more detailed report when we return in the new year.
For maths this week, we have worked on a summative assessment on Seesaw to identify the properties of 3D shapes. Your child may have not completed theirs, so they will have an opportunity to work on that over the holiday. We have also built 1 shape and 2 shape tessellations using pattern blocks.
Thank you or your continued support this past semester and I look forward to further collaborations in the new year.
Enjoy the long holiday and I wish you a Happy New Year!
Please see photos here.