In Grade 2SB this week we finished up our last unit of inquiry: How we organise ourselves by presenting our community spaces we worked on with our teams. Then we completed a reflection where we defined the words connected to well-being (happy, healthy and comfortable).
We have just begun our new unit of inquiry: Where we are in place and time, in which we will be focusing on homes around the world. This is a really fun unit in that the students will be researching homes around the world and what materials are used to build those homes. We will also discover how homes are built according to which environment they are located.
Our new unit of inquiry is here.
In maths, we have continued practising mental maths: you can do this at home too (skip counting by 2s, 5, 10, estimating the costs of several items at the grocery store, identifying 2D and 3D shapes in real life). We have reviewed the properties of 2D shapes and have now moved on to 3D shapes. The students are working in small groups to create a poster about 3D shapes which they can share with the Grade 1 students. They have identified those shapes which can roll and those which can stack.
In literacy, we have met in our guided reading groups. Most of us have completed a reading assessment on RAZKids and practised independent reading. Please support your child in access books or online reading in English for at least 20 minutes per day. Your child’s growth in comprehension, making connections to their own lives and other books and to their learning depends on their reading fluency and understanding.
Students shared their poems which were written a couple of weeks ago. We will try to upload them on Seesaw when we have some free time. We have used our phonemic knowledge to spell familiar and unfamiliar words.
Next week, we will be rehearsing for the winter concert on Sunday and possibly another time before the concert on the 4th December. In maths, we will continue learning about the properties of 3D shapes and where we can see them in the environment around us. When you are out and about you can help your child identify shapes by looking at buildings, signs, books and even shapes formed by nature. Hopefully, we will begin looking at symmetry and tessellation of shapes.
In literacy, we will begin working in small groups to research houses and their environments around the world. Students will use books and online resources to find out more about the different types of houses and how the environment has provided materials or needs for particular house designs. Guided reading will continue where we will practise choosing ‘just right’ books, how to read a book and build our stamina for longer periods of reading. In these groups the students work with an adult to answer questions about a book and also build up their phonics, word, sentence and text knowledge.
Our unit of inquiry will be focused on research about homes around the world and how they provide for the needs and wants of the people who live in them.
Photos are here.