This week we have worked very hard on understanding the concepts related to our Unit of Inquiry: How we organise ourselves. This unit is focusing on well-being, how community spaces support our well-being and our responsibility to take care of community spaces. The students have generated ideas for their definition of well-being and then created what they think it looks like, sounds like and feels like. From there, we modeled vocabulary words using a special organiser called the Frayer Model. Its a very good way to expand vocabulary and to introduce new words into our conversations, reading and writing.
In maths, we have participated in Maths Talk which is usually something we have learned before or to build on our prior knowledge. We have continued with place value work, moving on to adding tens to two-digit numbers. The students are just beginning to learn how to record their work and are practising talking about their maths.
Today, we learned a new maths strategy game called Queah – it was a lot of fun and we hope to have time to play it again in the future. Please see how to play it in the link below.
In literacy, we have begun listening to poems, I have uploaded a number of poetry books onto Epic (click on the mailbox at the bottom to see the collection), where your child can share some poems with you. We have listened to poems, identified whether a poem is long or short, how it is organised and if there are any rhyming words.
We are continuing to practise our handwriting, this week we have worked on the letters a and d. We have also created words using particular vowels and consonants, then finding which of those words have the same letter pattern.
Please find some maths activities in the link below which can be fun for the whole family.
Please find photos here.
Enjoy your holiday and I look forward to seeing you at the parent/teacher conferences.