I hope you were able to enjoy the long weekend and had some time to relax with family.
This past week I was away for two days due to illness, so Ms Cora was happy to work with Grade 2SB. In literacy, students worked on retelling the fable ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ which has the moral: if I am helpful to other, then I will be repaid in kind. They also listened to ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ with the moral: if we tell lies people won’t believe us or trust us. These two fables fit well with our Learner Profile attributes: caring and being principled. The students have retold these stories by drawing pictures on a storyboard and drawing a story map. We also discussed the characteristics of fables and identified these in the fables read so far. Students have been reading book in real life and also on Epic, where I created a collection of fables.
Please remember that students should be reading English everyday for 20 minutes and this platform provides them with a great selection of books which can be accessed Monday through Friday for free. Of course, RAZKids is the reading platform we use in Grade 2 and that is available all the time. Today, we looked at the number of students who have been reading on RAZKids. It was startling to see that only a handful of students have been reading daily. Please support your child’s learning journey in English and reading skills by providing time and a device for them to read online. I love real books and this would also be acceptable for our daily home learning. I hope to be sending books home next week for students to share with their families.
In maths, the students have been working on finding and generating patterns. They have looked at shape patterns and identified the rules for a pattern. At home, you can support this learning by looking for patterns in the environment: tiles, arranging fruit or vegetables or practising skip counting (2, 4, 6…).
In Who we are, students have identified that what we say and what we do can give us clues to our culture. This is a difficult concept for Grade 2 to understand so we will be continuing to work on this next week. PLEASE HELP YOUR CHILD REMEMBER TO BRING IN THEIR SHOEBOX AUTOBIOGRAPHY ON SUNDAY! We have had two brought in already and are excited to learn more about each other next week.
- in maths we will begin looking at grouping objects. Please information about this unit here.
- in literacy we will continue working on fables, reinforcing the characteristics of fables, identifying the setting, characters, problem and solution as well as the moral
- in Who we are we will be sharing our shoebox autobiographies and revising the say and do of cultures
Please see photos here.