Dear Parents,

We have had another fabulous action packed week in Grade 6.    

In our Who we Are unit we have been setting personal goals connected to our physical, social and mental health. We have been using the SMART criteria to make our goals specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. We have put our main goal into our sealed box, which we will be opening in October to reflect on our progress and to update (where necessary). Actually, this unit and the central idea Many factors cause us to grow as individuals and as a community’ will run in the background throughout Grade 6 and will be a year long inquiry.

Also, as part of this unit we have been creating artistic self-portraits. Part of the picture is focusing on our real outside appearance and half of the image is focusing on what is inside and our passions. We will share the finished images next week. 

In literacy, we have successfully created accounts for and Epic Reading. For each upcoming unit there will be assigned books and tasks using these platforms. In our writing we have been working very hard on our sentence construction. In particular looking at using conjunctions to create interesting compound sentences. We have also been using question words to extend and stretch sentences – you can see an example of this on your child’s Seesaw post this week.

In mathematics we have been continuing our mini unit into number sense. We have been exploring and looking into different ways to unpack ways that we can Read, model, write, compare and order whole numbers up to millions or beyond.’

Please find some photos from the week below.

Multi-step math problems that need lots of patience, collaboration and analysis


Sharing out new ‘stretched’ out sentences


Accuracy and precision, as we aim to represent who we are on the outside and the inside


What zone are you in today? Why?


Each week every child chooses a learner profile to focus on


Story time – cultivating a love of books and stories


Our personal goals placed in the box, to be opened and reflected upon in October

Parent’s Night

Thank you to all those who were able to attend the Grade 6 Parent’s Night yesterday. It was great to finally meet some of you. Please find a link to my Google Slide presentation here

Next Week

NEW unit – we are starting a very exciting Where We Are in Place and Time unit looking at migration around the world. There will be lots of great opportunities for transdisciplinary math and literacy learning within this unit. More information about this unit will be sent next week. We have a very exciting provocation planned for the students on Sunday to launch the unit, which I hope your child will talk to you about afterwards.

Mathematics – we will be exploring how we ‘select an efficient method for solving a problem: mental estimation, mental computation, written algorithms, by using a calculator.’ So, a great chance to review our mental and written strategies for core mathematical skills and to use estimation as a tool for checking / supplementing our working out.

Literacy – figurative Language, in particular looking at similes and metaphors. As well as starting to look at the use of commas in sentences and how they can help us extend and add detail to our writing. 

Have a great weekend,
