Dear Parents,

It has been a pleasure to reconnect with our young students and to welcome the new ones. The first weeks of school can always be challenging for both students and teachers, but I must say that this first week has been very positive for everyone.

The children started their PE lessons a bit shy, but as the minutes passed, they became more relaxed and comfortable. Their laughter was contagious, and the lessons were very successful. Throughout the week, we practiced simple exercises as an introduction to physical activity, focusing on the importance of listening carefully to instructions to perform the exercises and games safely. The students have shown themselves to be excellent listeners and true risk-takers. We have also started discussing the importance of maintaining good habits to stay healthy, and our young students have understood how crucial it is to exercise and stay active for their well-being. 

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that swimming lessons for Kindergarten will begin on September 1st, with one class per week until December.

Until the next time please keep encouraging your children to stay active, be safe, listen attentively, and embrace the power of teamwork and rules.

Kind regards,
Ms. Nuria