What an incredible year of growth and learning you all have had. I know firsthand how demanding the DP Biology course is – I’ve seen how dedicated you’ve been to studying complex concepts and the passionate way you’ve thrown yourselves into the programme. Your hard work and determination are going to serve you so well in the final stretch.

As you enjoy your well-deserved summer break, I hope you’ll take some time to relax and recharge too. But I also encourage you to use this opportunity to get a head start on next year’s materials. Review your notes from Term 1 and revisit any topics you want to strengthen. Consider researching interesting biological techniques or discoveries that fascinate you. Getting a jump now will help lighten your load later.

Never forget how far you’ve already come. You survived the first year – that in itself was no small feat! Entering your final year, you have such a strong foundation and knowledge base to build upon. Keep nurturing that passion and sense of curiosity you each bring to this incredible subject. Most of all, be proud of your achievements so far.

Come August, I know you’ll hit the ground running, bringing your best efforts as always. Wishing you all a rejuvenating break. I look forward to seeing where your continued passion and study will lead in the final year.