We have begun our end-of-year assessment in Grade 2 this week, I have met with students individually to assess their reading level and note their strengths and areas for growth. This information will be handed on to the Grade 3 teachers to help them prepare for the beginning of the next academic year. The students have also completed a maths assessment and next week we will complete a writing assessment.

In writing this week, we are continuing to work on our first draft of our personal narrative and hope to be able to publish this story next week. We are learning about organisation, adding more descriptive details and editing our writing for grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Some students are working on identifying and using non-fiction text features in reading, while others are continuing to explore fiction reading. During our reading time, we have included independent reading where students choose their own book of interest and either read by themself or with a friend. We have recently received some Grade 2 level chapter books which the students have been excited about reading and sharing.

In maths, we have continued to explore and learn new addition strategies in order to solve numbers within 100 addition problems. We have worked on using the jump strategy where we begin at the largest number on a number line, then jump by tens and ones to find the sum. During our maths time, we have also worked on mental maths, in particular, solving for unknowns in word problems.