We hope everyone stayed safe and well and we thank you for your flexibility to switch to online learning after the Ministry announced the closure of schools for today. The Grade 3-6 Assembly which was due to take place today will be rescheduled and we will advise you of the new date in due course.

It’s amazing what can help you to remember the names of things. Like a song, that is so catchy, it stays in your head for days! Like the Polygon Song which I keep playing to Grade 5. Click on the link and sing along. They LOVE it… hahahahaha. In maths this week we started an inquiry into 2D and 3D shapes. Consolidating what we know of geometric concepts allows us to make sense of and interact with our world. This week students learned to classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties.

We are back to opinion writing, only this time we are heading into argument writing. This week’s issue: “Should Junk Food be Banned?” What are your thoughts and opinions, talk with your child. They write their essay with the evidence they have gathered on Sunday.

We started our Unit of Inquiry by taking notes and information from a very thought provoking documentary called: “Eating Our Way to Extinction”. It has certainly made us stop and think about what we eat and where it comes from. It has led to some fantastic conversations as we made connections to our own lives.

We wish you all a peaceful weekend. Best wishes, Miss Rachel and Ms Khadija