Yes, well … so far so good! Thankfully the weather held out for us and, looking ahead into the forecast, it seems like there could be more rain next week. [Collective groan or sigh] Hopefully, our positive thoughts will ensure that everyone remains safe and the weather steers clear of Sohar. Please take some time to check out and review G6 W31 in Pictures.
Student-Led Conferences
Thank you everyone for supporting student-led conferences; even those of you who could not (re)arrange your schedule! It was great to observe so much agency from everyone to present their learning in the learning space or in the comforts of your home. It was such a pleasure to observe students leading you (i.e., parents) through their learning journey, articulating their goals, and highlighting their stage of overall development.
School Events – Important Dates
- Barcelo Resort: G6 overnight trip to Al Musannah = CANCELLED–A refund for this trip was sent home with students earlier this week. As a result of the cancellation, Glen and I are currently investigating other potential field trips to take place before the end of the year.
- End of year MoE Exams = SUBJECT TO CHANGE
- Omani Social Studies = Sunday, May 26, 2024
- Arabic = Tuesday, May 28, 2024
- Islamic studies = Thursday, May 30, 2024
Transdisciplinary (Language + UoI) Summary
This week in reading, writing and unit of inquiry, students have been analyzing characters within and elements of graphic novels in reading, developing their ideas to create a graphic novel in writing, and deepening their understanding of migration and climate change in unit of inquiry. In reading, students engaged in tasks related to a character study by reading for character traits, including those traits that drive the narrative. In writing, students developed their own graphic novel through character doodles, their conflict(s), a story mountain, bookmapping, thumbnailing, and drafting. In unit of inquiry, students defined migration, immigration, and emigration with examples, looked into push and pull factors for migration, and examined the risks, challenges, and opportunities related to some migration stories.
Mathematics Summary
This week, students completed a mid-module assessment to gauge understanding of concepts related to rational numbers. This is as far as we’ll go this year in order to make space for one more brief unit about expressions and equations. To encourage assessment as learning, students were assigned a task on Google Classroom to self-assess their responses against an answer key. As one way to connect school with home, you might consider talking with your child(ren) about this task to build your understanding of their areas of strength as well as continued focus for development into the future.
The entire G6 learning community has completely transitioned to using Google Classroom as the main platform for teaching and learning. Students engage daily with materials, quizzes, assignments, and increased expectations. Invitations were previously sent out, which means that you are most welcome to accept a digital invitation at your earliest convenience.